Thursday, June 26, 2008

Los Angeles Hair Loss Treatment

FIT – Follicular Isolation Technique
June 23rd, 2008

Dr. Parsa Mohebi, a renowned Los Angeles Hair Transplant Surgeon speaks on a variety of Hair loss treatment.


Dear doctor Parsa Mohebi

I have got some questions that I request you to answer them, so that I can have a better decision.

1- Is it possible to use the hair of other members of the family as donor?

2-May the transplanted hair at the fore part of the head recede again? If yes, how long does it take to begin?

3-If the hair recedes to the back of the head, the scar of the surgery appears and it is so ugly. What should we do in this case? And in the case of FIT after receding in the back, that area looks very sparse and with little hair? These make a bad appearance. What should we do in this case?

I appreciate you before and I wish more successes in life for you.

Truly yours
Patient’s name


I will answer your questions in the order you asked them:

1- Is it possible to use the hair of other members of the family as donor?


2-May the transplanted hair at the fore part of the head recede again? If yes, how long does it take to begin?

No it will not. Transplanted hair is considered permanent and there is no chance that you lose it in regular male pattern baldness. However you may continue to lose your own hair if you have any left in and around your transplanted hair. Here at US Hair Restoration we recommend finasteride to most patients around the time of surgery to prevent shock loss that could be seen after surgery.

3-If the hair recedes to the back of the head, the scar of the surgery appears and it is so ugly. What should we do in this case? And in the case of FIT after receding in the back, that area looks very sparse and with little hair? These make a bad appearance. What should we do in this case?

Scar or the surgery should never be seen if placed properly. The only way you can see the scar is if you decide to shave your head. If you plan to shave your head for any reason scar of the strip technique surgery will be seen and you may want to choose FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) or as some people call it FIT (Follicular Isolation Technique). FUE or FIT are the same and if done properly should remove hair follicular units evenly throughout your donor area and it should not look thinned out in any particular area. Of course the donor area will be thinner than before the surgery, but density of the hair on the back of our head is not what makes you look bald. Not having a sold frame around your face is responsible to give you the appearance of baldness and can make you look older.

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